Can I pick up the vehicle at a different location ?

The answer here is yes, we will just have to see if there are any of our Xterra's in your region.  If not, we can deliver one to you for a fee. 

What happens if something goes wrong ?

There are contact details for support in the glove compartment and you have our contact info also.  Don't worry, just take it easy, Pura vida as we say in Costa Rica, we can solve anything with a cool head.

Should I be worried about driving in Costa Rica

If you are familiar with driving then you should be fine.  While the roads can be a bit narrower here and the style of driving is a bit different, generally the roads are fairly simple.  Take your time and note some variations from what you are familiar with, they are not necessarily wrong, just born and grown in a different environment, sometimes for good reason :)

Can I take the vehicle across the borders ?

You cannot take the vehicle across the border.  However, if you are looking for an adventure into Nicaragua, Panama or other, just let us know and we can see if we can help put it together for you :)

If you have more questions feel free to contact us!